Master Supply & Demand Trading (Zone Finding Strategy)

Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard: Pondering Policy Implications of Asymmetric Information

How do firms mitigate adverse selection and moral hazard derivative of asymmetric information? How do hidden characteristics or profiles exacerbate adverse selection? How do hidden actions and material changes in behavior exacerbate moral hazard? The answers to these strategic questions are critical to effective formulation and execution of optimal adverse selection and moral hazard mitigation strategies that equate marginal costs to marginal benefits. Additionally, optimal mitigation strategy minimizes the known probability and incidence of decision failures with the attendant adverse effects and maximizes the profit producing capacity of the enterprise.

Learn How To Accurately Predict The Stock Market With Advanced Algorithms

It is difficult to predict stock market performance and involves a certain amount of risk. An accurate prediction could result in a significant amount of profit. The stock market is influenced by a number of factors: News, both domestic and international Government reports Natural disasters The stock market is constantly evolving and it regularly generates a huge amount of data regarding bids, buys and puts.

How to Avail 12-Month Loans in London?

WHAT ARE 12-MONTH LOANS? 12-month loans are a type of short-term loan that has become increasingly popular in recent times. These are designed so as to last for only a year or 12 months to be precise.

Difference Between Payday and Personal Loans in the UK

DEFINITION OF PERSONAL AND PAYDAY LOANS Most people feel that payday loans and personal loans are one and the same thing, but this is not at all true. They may seem similar, but they have many big differences which set the two options at opposite poles. One should consider the credit and the amount one needs to borrow to know what one qualifies for before one applies for it.

Let Us Help You Spring Clean Your Finances!

Spring is the time for us to take a hard look at everything you have and figure out what’s important. Tossing what isn’t important and cleaning those items that have been neglected through the winter. It’s not only your home that could use a deep clean. You need to dust off your financial documents as well. Consider these recommendations to clean up your finances.

3 Steps for Accountants to Balance Work and Home Life

It is important to embrace the change and grab the opportunity to be successful on this path. While the hot topic of conversation is to work towards the complex advisory path, it might not be a suitable option for everyone. Identifying your strengths and working to add value to the community with your services is an essential task.

Why Millennials Embrace Credit Unions

Because of the current lifestyle of most millennials credit unions resonate with these young people. The wants and needs of this generation are different from previous generations and credit unions have taken the time and effort to understand their needs and wants. Credit unions are a great alternative to traditional banks for many reasons including enhanced customer service, lower fees, lower interest rates and many more. We have highlighted a few reasons why this generation are frequenting credit unions.

It’s Time For Millennials To Get Their Finances In Shape

Financial literacy is extremely important at any age but millennials should take special care to start making smart financial decision. Some of these decisions include home ownership, investment strategies and family planning. We have provided some financial tips that will help millennials start making smart financial decisions.

Small Business Management Software: Advantages For Accounting Firms

Managing an accounting firm, whether big or small, can be challenging. And, doing it all alone, only adds more to the challenges. If you wish to turn your business into a soaring success, a slew of factors needs to come into play; at the right time, at the right place.

From Bookkeeping to Strategic Advisory: A Growth Switch for Accounting Professionals

The rapidly changing accounting industry will bring about many challenges and opportunities for accountants and their clients. Seizing the opportunity for growth and preparation according to client needs is imperative. Advanced software integrated with technology provides an easy-to-use platform like QuickBooks cloud hosting that has already altered accounting processes. As manual tasks are replaced by AI and automation, strategic advising will be in demand in the coming years.

The Greenback

When the Kingston Trio came out with their rendition of “Greenback Dollar” with the lyrics saying “I don’t give a dam about a greenback dollar I spend it just as fast as I can” today, half of that phrase is actually true. Too many of us continue to spend that greenback ever faster though. But, what we do care about is why that ever disappearing dollar doesn’t afford the things it used to.

What Is an ICO in Cryptocurrency?

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a hot trend in today’s cryptocurrency ecosystem. New blockchain-based digital assets and applications are using ICOs to quickly raise funds for their development. If you’re wondering what is an ICO, we’ll discuss that in detail, as well as some successful and relevant examples.

Top Financial Tips for Millennials

Most millennials are ready to make major financial decisions but feel overwhelmed when making those decision. Since nobody taught them the abc’s of financial literacy in school it is easy to get themselves into debt and other financial trouble. If you are a member of this generation and feel over powered by your finances, read this article for some tips on how to improve your financial wellness.

Planning For Emergency Financial Situations

Emergency financial situations can happen to anybody and any financial arrangement exercise is not ideal without planning for such occasions. The whole idea of having an emergency fund is to offer a cushion against any unexpected expense. This will ensure it does not have any negative impact on your financial condition and does not rip off the whole financial security.

An Overview of Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

ICO is a means of raising funds in unregulated means for different cryptocurrency ventures. It is something that startups use so as to bypass the regulated and rigorous capital raising process that banks and venture capitalists require. In such a campaign, a given percentage of the cryptocurrency is sold to the project backers very early for other cryptocurrencies or legal tender.